Get Free Ebook , by Jason Collins

Get Free Ebook , by Jason Collins

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, by Jason Collins

, by Jason Collins

, by Jason Collins

Get Free Ebook , by Jason Collins

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, by Jason Collins

Product details

File Size: 3138 KB

Print Length: 184 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1797651099

Publication Date: February 16, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#483 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Delicious journey filled with discovery and love. Both of these MC's are smart, capable men, driven career wise and neither had much luck with relationships. These guys find their connection intense and they explore their dynamics of submission and dominance in the bedroom. There is very light BDSM play explored as they find what works for them.Elliot and Caleb are so steamy together and their connection creates a beautiful compatibility in their lives. I enjoyed how these guys talked and worked together to find their way. i also really enjoyed the description of the country-side and the people in the story. i would love to visit Alaska and this was a delightful peek into a beautiful land. The supporting characters were interesting and i hope we get to see more of them.This is book one of the Submission Series and i am looking forward to the next story.One of my favorite quotes of the book is:'We would converge upon the same spot, wherever that place might fall in the universe. At the end of the day, we would be together. We would find each other. Now and again throughout the span of space and time. His soul belonged to mine and mine to his. ... '

Elliot was in Alaska laying the groundwork at the research station and Caleb was the pilot bringing in some of his supplies. When Elliot literally fell for Caleb, it triggered something in Caleb that he wanted to explore. Neither man was looking for love, but they both fell hard and fast. I laughed when both Elliot and Caleb thought it was a great idea to sabotage equipment in order for them to stay together longer. Daniel was sweet enough to make himself scarce so Caleb and Elliot could really discuss their future without an audience.'I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily reviewed it.'

This is a sizzling hot romance of not just opposites attract but opposites attract then combust in white hot melting heat.I’ll quickly cut to the chase. Elliot is a grad student sent to a remote research lab in Alaska by his flakey boss, Dr. Murphy. He meets Caleb, a ruggedly handsome Alaskan pilot who comes to Elliot’s rescue. How you may ask? Well, you’ll find out when you read the book. Let’s just put it this way. They meet and then.....WOW!This book has all the traits I’ve come to love about this author. He takes you to a place, in this case it’s Alaska, where I have visited by the way, which he describes in perfect detail (flora, fauna and food = oh my!) like he’s not only been there but he’s lived there. He then includes an array of local characters to support the star attractions, namely Elliot and Caleb.Everything works in this book and I can’t wait to read what follows in this series.

My first Jason Collins book.. This was closer to 3.5 stars than 4...I absolutely loved how descriptive he wrote about the scenery of the Alaskan wild. I could envision the view perfectly through his description. This is definitely not only an insta love but...perhaps requires a little suspension of belief. Do men suddenly decide they are gay (without ever having that thought before) late in their lives? I suppose it is just seemed a bit much for me that this connection was made so perfectly without a person having an issue within themselves. But there was plenty of steamy connections and an HEA which I enjoyed.

This was an entertaining story, nice happy ending, but not tense/intense enough for me. Lots of good feelings but didn't make me sit on the edge of my seat or want to keep reading to see what would happen next.

I really enjoyed this story between Caleb and Elliot. Even though is has d/s tendencies it still a very light and sweet love story. I really like stories like these that don't have a lot of drama and angst just two people who are in love and work together. I highly recommend this book!!!

I liked the show of respect the two showed for each other. Domination but with respect. Truthfully, I cannot recall anything in the story that I did not like, and I am very critical. Reading the story was a highly enjoyable experience.

3,5*PLEASE READ FIRST MY RATING SYSTEM!!!To my ratings (thanks to amazon I had to change it again and 'upgrade' it a little bit.My old 3* is now a 3,5* and clicked with a 4* but in review marked as 3,5*):5* - very very good and rare (it would be a Blow-Away-book like 'Jesse's Smile' and Joey' from Angelique Jurd, 'Save the kids' series from EM Leya or 'Liberty' from Seth King),it's like an A+4* - very good and will be often reread and is a WOW-book with interesting plot and surprises (like most of Andrew Grey books) it's like an A3,5* - a really good book, which will be reread a few times (most romances where you can enjoy for relaxing and during waiting times in hospitals). I can recommend them definitively! It's like an B+3* - it could be more then a one-time-reader (2-3 times a year), it's like a B2* - it was ok to read, but it's more a one-time-reader (I wouldn't recommend it heartily, but it was ok) It's like a C-, D1* - sorry, but that isn't really a book for me (too many mistakes, not nice plot, illogical, so an absolute NO-GO). It's like failure in the whole line, dismissed, repeat the classIf you never read a D/s book before, just give it a try. It's very light D/s-theme in a sweet romance story!

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