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Product details

File Size: 1183 KB

Print Length: 122 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0804794227

Publisher: Stanford Briefs; 1 edition (March 11, 2015)

Publication Date: March 11, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#320,278 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Why is America just simply incapable of acknowledging and addressing the issue of global warming? Why do almost half the citizens believe climate change is not real, despite almost universal consensus among climatologists? Are we deluded by faulty information, biased news reporting, media silence on the subject, religious teachings and strictures; entrenched beliefs and ideologies that do not accommodate such a reality, or have our brains just not evolved to a level capable of recognizing global warming as an existential threat to our very existence? Or, are we just too heavily influenced by culture and societal groupings that oppose action on global warming because of threats to vested economic interests. These questions have intrigued me for a long time. The answer is all of the above. The book by Andrew Hoffman delves into these questions and helps to answer them. The issue is like a Sword of Damocles that hangs over civilization. It is very perplexing and disturbing that not only can we not even acknowledge it, we cannot begin to take steps to combat it.Hoffman's book makes clear that we are influenced by group values, and cultural identity can overpower scientific reasoning. We employ ideological filters influenced by group values and we generally endorse the position that most directly reinforces our connections with others in our referentgroup, which strengthens our definition of self. These belief structures are resistant to change. We give greater support to evidence or arguments that support our pre-existing beliefs.According to Hoffman, people whose values are hierarchical and individualistic are more likely to be skeptical of climate change. People with egalitarian and communitarian values tend to support the notion of climate change. We may continue to deny the reality of global warming, but will finally reach a point where it can no longer be ignored. More extreme weather, as it hits and affects all segments of society, will open our eyes as we experience ever more violent hurricanes and tornadoes; floods, extreme drought, fires, water shortages, rising ocean levels. Insurance companies, who certainly are aware of climate change, will be drastically raising rates for casualty premiums on real property. Just as tobacco companies were sued for damages to public health, fossil fuel companies and polluters will be sued for damages. Our denial will force us to pay a heavy price on many fronts.This book is recommended for those who want a better understanding of what drives climate change denial. This information offers a tool for aiding in convincing the deniers of the need to begin addressing the problem .... if it is not already too late.

If some of your well-educated thoughtful friends believe the country is in grave danger from human-caused climate change while other well-read intelligent friends are equally adamant that no such process or danger exists, you may be puzzled by this disconnect across America. If so, this book is for you.Hoffman explains the underlying causes of this division (which have almost nothing to do with evidence) and gives concrete advice about how these two groups can discuss the subject, find common ground, and maybe even agree on concerted action. While the book provides advice for leaders pushing our country to take the first steps to slow climate change, it will be particularly helpful to a much larger audience.Millions of regular citizens are destined to help craft community decisions about how best to protect their families and neighborhoods against flood dangers, threats to their water supplies, health impacts, and the many other threats from warming to the local economy. Anyone speaking to a city council meeting, writing a letter to the editor, joining a neighborhood committee, or talking across the backyard fence about climate change should read this short book first.

The book is a typical Social Scientists exploration of the different reasons why the general public, excluding scientists, either accept or reject the science or the factual information proving the degradation of our dear Planet Earth, mainly as a consequence of the human activities of burning fossil fuel over the last decades or century. The author seem to suggest that the vast institution and infrastructure that’s surrounding the fossil fuel industries – which is what drives the economy to a larger extent – must be completely changed, and resistance from vested interests should be expected. Although I agree with most of the points, if not all, that he made in the book but I will have to disagree with him here to an extent, because he seemed to suggest a complete overhaul of the industries which is a bit unrealistic I believe. A more inclusive process that galvanizes not just the general public but also the fossil fuel industries to accepting a well evaluated policy of reducing carbon emissions to a bearable minimum is what I believe will work and what I’ll suggest. It was a short, fascinating and an enlightening read over all, anyone who is interested in Climate Change Communication should find the book very useful.

I purchased this book to see if it would work as a resource in a class on human impact on/ of climate change I am teaching next fall. I am really glad I did! How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate explores the social and political dimensions of resistance to thinking about climate change, identity politics, and the importance of considering the words we use to discuss scientific topics in order to make them less threatening and more accessible to our audience. With examples that show parallels between public/ political climate change discussions and those on the ozone hole, smoking and cancer, and other sciencey social issues, and practical advice for communicating effectively about these issues, this book has a lot to offer anyone engaged in the discussion - maybe especially those of us who teach about it.

Hoffman's book is a breath of fresh air for those of us who are frustrated about the climate change debate. His insights provide a new perspective from which to view an old topic. Comparisons with the abolition of slavery and the link between cigarette smoking and cancer offer hopeful scenarios for massive culture change. Even his suggestions about how to discuss the topic at the dinner table were inspiring. Put this book on your must read list.






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